We programe 2 excursions per month.

Price: 35€ / per person

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What is Nordic Walking?


Nordic Walking consists only of walking with poles specially designed for this activity. In addition, it offers you a simple and natural way to improve your physical condition and tone your muscles. This activity is practiced outdoors and on flat or mountainous terrain, and is considered a sport because the speed at which you walk exceeds the normal walking.


What is the technique?

The proper technique for Nordic walking is mainly to respect the trace of the body's natural movement. The use of poles helps to keep the chest straight and thus open the rib cage. Thanks to this, when you walk, you get an oxygenation of up to 60% more than during a walk. Moreover, thanks to the use of walking sticks, you exercise all the muscles of your body. In this way, the body burns up to 40% more calories than during a walk, so it is a good ally to lose more weight and get more endurance.


What is the goal?

The purpose of this walk is the physical and psychological well-being that it provides, based on the walk and the safe and healthy movement that is performed. All this is achieved thanks to the correct position of the body, its natural movement and the increase in blood circulation and metabolism. With all this, you will be able to optimize the physical effort that you carry out with the biomechanical movement of the body when walking.

This walk is also ideal to take care of the joints, since they are exercised less than with jogging, and the impulse given by the canes prevents them from having to support the full weight of the body.


What are the benefits?

- It exercises the muscles. It is an integral technique, soft and exercises the great majority of the muscles of the body. This activity is suitable for all people of all ages, although it requires learning and a certain level of instruction.

- Recommended for therapies. In the case of sick people or patients in rehabilitation programs, Nordic Walking is recommended due to its great therapeutic potential.

- It rejuvenates. Thanks to all the benefits it brings, this activity helps to rejuvenate both physically and mentally.

- It improves physical capacity. One of the most gratifying aspects is that the improvement of the physical capacity and the corporal conscience is immediately perceived.


What we porpouse you?


We offer you the possibilitie to know tha Parc del Túria area in different places with different routes and lengths. Check out our calendar of dates to assure your assistance or call now, we'll give you complete info


What's included?


  • sticks 
  • guides
  • meal in restaurant
  • insurances



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