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• People who will practice this sport must always bring identification.

• For minors, authorization is required of all parents legal guardians of the child. For parents who physically come to the child, will need that once here to sign the registration form and submit identification both you as the child's. For parents who cannot attend the day of the jump, it is essential to deliver their handwritten permission to make the child the tandem, together with a photocopy of your identification. The minimum weight is 35 kg.

• To practice the sport of parachute jump need a normal physical condition. Some diseases or specific problems require the presentation of a medical certificate authorizing to make the jump and some other diseases or problems do not allow the realization of the jump (any questions that you have about an illness or problem in particular, must consult a doctor).

If you have or have you had some of the following diseases or symptoms you need a medical certificate before you can jump:

  • Important previous fractures, back problems, arthritis or strong sprains.
  • Chronic bronchitis, asthma, rheumatic fever, pneumothorax, kidney problems.
  • Anemia, thyroid, adrenal problems or other glandular problems.
  • Chronic sinusitis or ear problems.
  • Any situation requiring the regular use of medications.

For over 65 years or older than 60 years between 85 and 95 kg, need a medical certificate which expressly authorizes it. People with mental disability or having no mobility on legs cannot do the jump.

• The passenger tandem student may not weigh more than 95 Kg dress but if you weigh 95 kg you must tell us when making the reservation that you would have to book to the middle of the day hours since we need there is a little wind to make the jump. If it does not communicate and the passenger can not jump aren't the right conditions for its weight, you will lose the deposit.

• It is recommended that the same day, before leaving home we call to find out if the weather conditions are suitable for jumping. We open at 10.00 h and our cells are and +34 674248620.

• The passenger must go to dress comfortable. You need to always bring: long and comfortable trousers and sneakers. In summer, you can go in short sleeves, but the t-shirts are avoided. The rest of the year is necessary to bring an extra jersey instead of the jacket. In winter, it is advisable that the extra jersey is a polar and a few tight gloves. At other times, an extra more or less thick pullover according to season.

• It is important not to consume Alcohol or drugs before the jump. Jump is not allowed if you have taken some scubba diving seasons before jump.


Prepayment of 23€/pax for reservation is required, the rest should be pay in the airport. To income in LaCaixa ES55 2100 3953 4402 0019 0723 through transfer or credit card in our website. Once the income reserve will be available for 6 months.


All customers must download our "formalization of the contract and reservation" form fill it in, and send it to
If you are between 16 and 18 years old, your parents have signed the document and it is also necessary that you also deliver signed parental consent. Also when you confirm the reservation we will send them a series of informative documents that must read, sign and deliver the day's activity


Deposit will be not refunded, necessarily has to be consumed by you or another person.

-In any case, no change of date is not supported and the deposit made is lost.

-This deposit will also be lost when it arrived later quiet.

-The reservation has valid 6 months from their recruitment.

In both cases the holder of the reservation can assign your booking to another person, always and when this duly accredited such assignment, in this case shall not apply any charge provided it within the validity of the reservation.

Once expired due to technical, weather, etc, beyond our and your control, do not lose your money if you do the activity during the two months following.
Due to the rigor that we attach to the contracted booking, I warn you that you may have it clear, once you may have assigned date for your release, whenever conditions permit (both technical and weather) will not cancel your reservation less than 5 days in advance. You have to pay a supplement of €50 before the jump, in compensation for the disruption that create overrides in our Organization

For Group bookings:

If there are several tandems reserved to one name, they grouped according to activity and internal organisation, ensuring only that every person shall be accompanied by a minimum of another person in the same group.

In case of bad weather or technical reasons, The School of parachuting Tietar Valley reserves the right to delay or cancel the activity without prior notice.



Supplements to tandem skydiving, in video footage both internal and external, as well as photo shoots are considered. Once the jump, will proceed to editing video and reportage photography if it had been requested, and must remain in the facilities of the Centre, to the delivery of such material.

This graphic material, must be viewed by the entrant in the event in the DVD from the Center to check their perfect operation. The Center will not be responsible for a possible claim if such graphic material comes out of the enclosure without its corresponding check.

In the event that there is any mechanical failure or editing, and the same not can be remedied, as a camera break, a loss of files, etc. The Center will refund the amount of the supplement to the participant in the event.

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